Women's Retreat Days
Whilst God can be found in all things, sometimes it helps to step out of the noise of the world completely to focus on your relationship with God, to have time to pray and consider the deeper things of life.
There are many different kinds of retreat, but a retreat experience is usually seen as an oasis of peace and an adventure in prayer. ​​​
We offer two different types of retreat
Retreat 1 - The Simple Retreat Day
Retreat 2 - The Silent Retreat Day
Both days are designed for women.
Retreat 1 - Simple Retreat Day £30 - £40 per person
Simple Retreat Schedule​​
​​​10am - Introduction
- Guided Prayer/Contemplation
- Resources presented.​
11am - Individual time with God
1pm - Lunch - everyone to bring their own
2pm - Guided prayer/Contemplation
2.15pm - Individual time with God
3.30pm - Closing prayer
- Farewell
These days are quiet but not silent. We aim to maintain an atmosphere of peaceful, contemplative engagement with God throughout the day. Talking over lunch is welcome and there will be a quiet room set aside for those who prefer to lunch in a more tranquil space.
Retreatants bring their own lunch, tea and coffee is available throughout the day. There is no food available onsite.
The day starts with a time of guided prayer.
Retreatants are offered a few simple resources to stimulate contemplative, imaginative engagement with God eg, scripture, a poem, an image. These are aids not requirements, people are free to choose to engage with them or not, some people come to journal, others to take intentional time out with God away from the hectic everyday. There is no right or wrong. Sitting and enjoying the beautiful view with God is as valuable as following a scriptural prompt. God knows what each person needs, so follow your heart.​​​
Retreat 2 - Silent Retreat Day £30 - £40 per person
Silent Retreat Schedule​
10am - Introduction
- Guided Prayer/Contemplation
- Resources presented.​
11am - Individual time with God
1pm - Lunch - everyone to bring their own
- (Lunch is in silence with gentle music played)
2pm - Individual time with God
3.30pm - Closing prayer
- Farewell
These are days of silence. We respect the fact that God may be talking to someone as they journal or pray, and that He equally may be talking to someone as they walk down a corridor or eat their lunch. The heart of the Silent Retreat is a reverence for what God is doing with each person and a desire to not interrupt.
Retreatants are invited to experience the liberation of not being responsible to anyone other than themselves and God. We invite you not to use your devices during the retreat to fully embrace the silence. A staff member will have a contact phone number for emergencies.
The day starts with an introduction of what to expect followed by a guided prayer. The rest of the day is dedicated to individual time with God, this can be walking in the beautiful countryside, engaging with the creative materials, journalling, prayer or whatever seems best for you.
Lunch is timed between 1pm - 2pm in the dining hall and is optional. Retreatants bring their own lunch, tea and coffee is available throughout the day. There is no food onsite.
Lunch is taken in silence with gentle music playing over the group.
Simple resources are available around the retreat centre to stimulate contemplative, imaginative engagement with God, these are aids not requirements we invite you take what is useful to you and ignore the rest. There is no right or wrong. Sitting and enjoying the beautiful view with God is as valuable as following a scriptural prompt. God knows what each person needs, so follow your heart. ​​​​