Frequently Asked Questions
Why go on a retreat day? A retreat is a place to explore our relationship with God. A key element of many retreats is silence or quietness. Silence is not just the absence of noise from traffic, media and the constant flow of email and social media chatter. A retreat may help you to achieve inner silence, a silence that can be the gateway to God. As St. Augustine says, ‘You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.’
What should I bring on my retreat? PACKED LUNCH - There is no food available onsite, please remember your lunch. The nearest place to buy something would be Lindfield High Street, 3.5 miles from West Watch Centre NOTEBOOK AND PEN - People usually find it helpful to have a notebook in which to record their experiences, thoughts and reflections. BIBLE
Will prayer ministry be available on the day? Prayer ministry is not available on either the Simple Retreat or the Silent Retreat days. The focus of the retreat days is for you to take time out with God. In a gentle way we are "undergoing" God as we spend time with Him. Prompts and resources are provided to facilitate this sacred experience between you and God. If following a quiet day you would like to pursue prayer ministry, spiritual accompaniment or more in-depth, lengthier retreats we ask you to contact us via email and we will provide recommendations for you.
I don't go to church, can I come on a retreat day? YES - we are simply people who love God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The retreat days focus on God's love for us and our response to His love. You do not have to go to church, you do not have to call yourself a christian. There is no test on the door!
Can men attend a Retreat Day? Currently, this would only be under special circumstances e.g, a female attendee has a male carer. Our Retreat Days are designed for women. We are in the process of developing workshops and quiet days for mixed groups and will keep you posted. If you would like mixed or male only retreat days please do contact us.
Is childcare available? No - there is no childcare provided.
Can I come for a part of the day instead of the whole day and would that effect the price? You are welcome to come for just a morning or afternoon. The attendance price of £40 is not adjusted as there is a cost to hiring the centre that the attendance cost covers. If you come for the afternoon we ask that you would arrive during the lunch break so we can sign you in. If you are leaving after the morning session we ask that you ensure we sign you out and that you leave with minimal disturbance.
I'm struggling financially, what are my options? Firstly, please contact us, we will work with you towards finding a solution. THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF PAYING IN INSTALLMENTS - We recognise that for some people £30 in one go is a significant stretch if you would like to break down the payments over several weeks please contact us. BURSARY - There is a small bursary fund available that can contribute towards the payment of a place, please contact us to discuss this.
The price is £30 - £40, how much should I pay? THE COST PER PERSON IS £30 - in order to be able to contribute to those who would like to come but can't afford it we have a small bursary fund. For those who feel they would like to contribute in part to another person's place we have offered an opportunity to contribute and additional £10. There are no collections taken on the day and no one will know what each person has paid.