Traditionally called the Examen, this is a simple way to connect with God in the day. It does not have to take a lot of time, we're talking about 5 - 15 minutes and whilst for me I find it really helpful to do this twice a day, late morning and early afternoon, once a day is fine - although (from personal experience) I wouldn't leave it until bedtime as being really tired can reduce it to a tick box exercise before I can turn out the light and go to sleep, which for me makes it meaningless.
I chose this image because it speaks to me of the Examen experience, it is looking back over the ground travelled thus far, noticing where there has been light/higher ground, a sense of God and where there have been areas of shadow/dips, where I have been less aware of God's presence (I notice that even on the high slopes there are areas that dip and are in shadow and conversely in the deep valley there will be hillocks and light), and then turning to look at the landscape ahead and choosing a route to travel. The following is a basic introduction to the Examen. Obviously you can take as much time with it as you like, I suggest no more than 15 minutes.
Simple Examen
A moment of faith – becoming aware of the presence of God.
Notice, as you breathe in and out, that your beath, the air of your life is God’s presence in you. Without air you would die.
The air you breathe is God’s closeness to you.
Think back over the morning/afternoon/day and notice what you are grateful for.
Hour by hour, remember people and events, moments of peace and joy. What was life-giving in this last period. Where did you feel, energised, hopeful. Were there moments of warmth, love or the ordinary things you might take for granted like sight and health, faith and love.
Allow yourself to feel this gratitude and thank the Lord in words if you like.
Notice the moments in the day when you wanted God’s help and light. Confusion over a decision, or bad health. What was life-draining over this last period, was there anxiety, hopelessness or it may be a similar prayer for someone else.
Allow yourself to feel your need for God and say this to Him in your own words.
Sinfulness and faults are part of our day. Go back over the last period of time and allow yourself to feel sorrow for what has been sinful or mean in your day.
It may or may not be serious, but you may find yourself feeling your own sinfulness and ask for forgiveness.
Offer the next period and your whole future to God.